Today no words. Only enjoying tea in my garden on sun.
utorok 23. apríla 2013
pondelok 22. apríla 2013
Tento víkend sme navštívili Petra Nováka. Vychutnajte si čaro a atmosféru
jeho keramického hradu. Touto cestou by sme sa chceli poďakovať za
veľmi milé prijatie a krásny zážitok.
This weekend we have visited Peter Novak. Enjoy the magic and atmosphere
of his ceramic castle. This way we would like to thank him for his warm
welcome and wonderful experience...
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(More photos:
streda 10. apríla 2013
Gedeng 2008.
Je tomu už niečo vyše týždňa čo si bol Peťo Staník u mňa po svoje konvičky ktoré som mu fotil. Momentálne je v Yunnane a koštuje čaje a vyberá yixingy ktoré nám prinesie. Nechal mi 10g vzorku Gedengu. Nepamätám si presne, ale myslím že mi vravel že ho bolo vyrobených iba 5 kg. Veľmi som sa tešil že sa mi ušlo. Upozornil ma na to, že čaj si dáva na čas a ožíva až po treťom náleve. Konečne som sa k nemu dostal. Vonku bolo príjemne, tak som si urobil provizórny čajovy stolík aby som pre seba nachytal zopár slnečných lúčov.
It is over a week when Peter Staník came to me to take his pots which I was taking pictures of. Now he is in Yunnane and tasting teas and choosing yixings which is going to bring us. He left me 10g sample of Gedeng. I do not remember it exactly but I think he told me that there had been made only 5 kg of it. I was so happy that I could taste it. He pointed out that the tea takes time and tastes after the third steeping. I finally got to taste it. Outside there was a nice weather and so I made a provisional tea desk so that I could prepare a few sunrays.
It is over a week when Peter Staník came to me to take his pots which I was taking pictures of. Now he is in Yunnane and tasting teas and choosing yixings which is going to bring us. He left me 10g sample of Gedeng. I do not remember it exactly but I think he told me that there had been made only 5 kg of it. I was so happy that I could taste it. He pointed out that the tea takes time and tastes after the third steeping. I finally got to taste it. Outside there was a nice weather and so I made a provisional tea desk so that I could prepare a few sunrays.
Keďže som vedel že toto je bežec na dlhé trate tak som sa aj pripravil. Zobral som si poznámkový blok a moje dva staré foťáky na film + posledný vyvolaný negatív a poctivo som popri čaji študoval robil si poznámky z vyvolaných fotografií.
As I knew that it is a long-distance runner, so I was well prepared. I took a notebook and my two old film cameras + last developed negative and honestly I studied at taking tea and was making notes of developed photos.
As I knew that it is a long-distance runner, so I was well prepared. I took a notebook and my two old film cameras + last developed negative and honestly I studied at taking tea and was making notes of developed photos.
Mám starý Pentax K1000 a po dedkovi Zenit - E z roku 1967.
I have an old Pentax K 1000 and after my grandfather Zenit – E from 1967.
I have an old Pentax K 1000 and after my grandfather Zenit – E from 1967.
Človek by si povedal, že v dnešnej digitálnej dobe, keď sa dá všetko zachytiť na kartu a ihneď spracovať, tieto mechanické zázraky vymrú, ale, opak je pravdou. Aj keď digitál urobí nádherné fotky a môžme si ich ihneď pozrieť na displeji, chýba tomu to čaro.
One would say that in today´s digital period when everything could be caught on the card and immediately processed, these mechanical miracles will die, but the opposite is true. Although digital makes beautiful pictures and we can see them directly on the screen, it lacks the charm.
One would say that in today´s digital period when everything could be caught on the card and immediately processed, these mechanical miracles will die, but the opposite is true. Although digital makes beautiful pictures and we can see them directly on the screen, it lacks the charm.
To čaro, keď sa teším na vyvolanie filmu, keď som plný očakávaní, či som ten moment dobre zachytil, či bola expozícia dobrá či bolo správne svetlo, či bolo všetko tak ako má byť.
The charm when I am looking forward to development when I am full of expectations if I captured that moment correctly if the exposure was right or if the light was good and if everything is as it should be.
The charm when I am looking forward to development when I am full of expectations if I captured that moment correctly if the exposure was right or if the light was good and if everything is as it should be.
Film vdýchne fotke jemnosť, mäkkosť, ľudskosť, proste dušu.
The film breathes the Picture the gentleness, tenderness, humanity, simply soul.
The film breathes the Picture the gentleness, tenderness, humanity, simply soul.
Pri tom ako som bol zahĺbený do študovania som ani nevnímal že pijem čaj. Až ma z toho myslenia doslova vytrhla neskutočná dochuť. Mal som pocit že mi explodujú ústa.
When I was absorbed in the studying I did not perceive that I was taking tea. When an unbelievable aftertaste literally tore me out from the thinking. I had a feeling that my mouth was going to explode.
When I was absorbed in the studying I did not perceive that I was taking tea. When an unbelievable aftertaste literally tore me out from the thinking. I had a feeling that my mouth was going to explode.
Citrusová chuť, so stopami jahody, jabĺk sa zmenila na vegetálnu a potom zasa na ovocnú. Veľmi veľmi zaujímavé!
The lemon taste with traces of strawberries, apples changed into vegetal and then again into fruity. Very very interesting!
The lemon taste with traces of strawberries, apples changed into vegetal and then again into fruity. Very very interesting!
Vôňa je ľahká ovocná, sladkastá, vegetálna. Použil som 5g na konvičku. Daľších 5g som odložil pre chalanov aby si pochutnali aj oni.
The taste is light fruity, sweetish, vegetal. I used 5f per pot. Another 5g I put aside for guys so that also they could enjoy it.
The taste is light fruity, sweetish, vegetal. I used 5f per pot. Another 5g I put aside for guys so that also they could enjoy it.
Na prípravu som použil moju obľúbenú keramiku a konvičku ktorú používam výlučne na shengy od P. Nováka s ktorým som mimochodom viedol počas čajovania milú konverzáciu cez mail.
To prepare I used my favorite ceramic and pot which I use exclusively for shengs from Mr. Novak with whom by the way I was leading a nice discussion by email during taking tea.
To prepare I used my favorite ceramic and pot which I use exclusively for shengs from Mr. Novak with whom by the way I was leading a nice discussion by email during taking tea.
Na fotografii je zasnený pohľad cez hľadáčik starého zenitu-e na shengovú konvičku.
On the picture there is a dreamy look through the viewfinder of the old Zenit at the sheng pot.
On the picture there is a dreamy look through the viewfinder of the old Zenit at the sheng pot.
Farba nálevu je krásna jantárovo iskrivá.
The color is beautifully sparkling amber.
The color is beautifully sparkling amber.
Tieto chvíle pre seba mám naozaj rád. Mal by to tak robiť každý. Pri tej hodinke čajovania sa človek zamyslí a príde na rôzne veci. Teda aspoň u mňa to tak funguje. Rozmýšľal som nad novembrom keď mňa a moju priateľku ak to všetko vyjde, čaká cesta do Guatemaly. Ako to asi bude prebiehať, čo všetko si mám zobrať? Čo všetko by som mal vedieť? Ako tam budeme fotiť? Aké to celé bude? Ešte ani nemám letenku a už ma chytá malá panika. Ideme tam ako dobrovoľníci, fotografi, pre Mayan Families.
These moments for myself I really like. Everybody should do it. During the hour of taking tea, one takes a think and comes to different things. At least for me it is working. I was thinking about November when, if it all works out, the trip to Guatemala is waiting for me and my girlfriend. How will it work there, what should I take? I do not have even a ticket and a little panic catches me. We are going there as volunteers, photographers, for Mayan Families.
These moments for myself I really like. Everybody should do it. During the hour of taking tea, one takes a think and comes to different things. At least for me it is working. I was thinking about November when, if it all works out, the trip to Guatemala is waiting for me and my girlfriend. How will it work there, what should I take? I do not have even a ticket and a little panic catches me. We are going there as volunteers, photographers, for Mayan Families.
Hodnotiť lístky čaju z 10g vzorky by asi nebolo moc objektívne. Cez to všetko poviem že sú lístky pekné, nepolámané. Dnešné čajovanie malo zvláštny nádych. Stihol som pri ňom veľa vecí a ešte aj obohatiť svoje chuťové bunky. Čaj vydržal 12 nálevov a strávil som pri ňom niečo vyše hodiny. Ten posledný nálev si už pýtal cca 5 minútové lúhovanie. Peťo tento čaj krásne opísal na svojej stránke
Rate tea leaves from 10g sample would not be probably very objective. Through it all I would say that the leaves are very nice, not broken. Today´s taking tea had a special atmosphere. I managed to make a lot of things and even to enrich my taste buds. Tea bore 12 steepings and I spent more than one hour. The last one wanted about 5 minute soaking. Peter described this tea beautifully on his website
Rate tea leaves from 10g sample would not be probably very objective. Through it all I would say that the leaves are very nice, not broken. Today´s taking tea had a special atmosphere. I managed to make a lot of things and even to enrich my taste buds. Tea bore 12 steepings and I spent more than one hour. The last one wanted about 5 minute soaking. Peter described this tea beautifully on his website
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