Po extra dlhej ceste, fanúšikovia sci-fi by ju označili niekoľko svetelných rokov, som sa konečne dostal k čaju. Na prípravu bamboo puerhu z teatrade.sk sme použili nový prírastok do rodiny v podobe TOP yixingovej konvičky od Peťa z pu-erh.sk.
After an extra-long way, the fans of sci-fi movies would call it a few light years, I finally got to tea. For the preparation of bamboo puerh from teatrade.sk, we used a new member to our family in the form of TOP yixing pot from Peter of pu-erh.sk
After an extra-long way, the fans of sci-fi movies would call it a few light years, I finally got to tea. For the preparation of bamboo puerh from teatrade.sk, we used a new member to our family in the form of TOP yixing pot from Peter of pu-erh.sk
Vôňa tohoto puerhu je povedal by som, mierne medicínska zmiešaná s vôňou skrine starej babky a na tom všetkom nahádzané vlhké orechové listy.
The smell of this puerh is, I would say, slightly medical mixed with the smell of my grandma´s old cabinet and thrown wet nut leaves on all of it.
The smell of this puerh is, I would say, slightly medical mixed with the smell of my grandma´s old cabinet and thrown wet nut leaves on all of it.
Chuť je úplne rovnaká ako som písal hore, len si k tomu ešte pridajte sladkosť.
The taste is exactly the same as I wrote above, just add sweetness to it.
The taste is exactly the same as I wrote above, just add sweetness to it.
Takto vyzeral prvý nálev.
The first steep looked like this.
The first steep looked like this.
A takto druhý.
And the second one.
And the second one.
Celkovo vydrží tak 6 nálevov. V treťom a štvrtom sa objavila jemnučká horkosť.
It can have about 6 steeps. In the third and fourth appeared a very soft bitterness.
It can have about 6 steeps. In the third and fourth appeared a very soft bitterness.
Určite by som tento čaj hodhotil veľmi kladne. Nieje to síce jeden z najlepších aký som kedy pil, ale rozhodne poteší. A za tú cenu, no naparádu!
I would definitely rate this tea very positively. Although it is not one of the best what I have ever drunk, but can enjoy. And at that price, perfect!
I would definitely rate this tea very positively. Although it is not one of the best what I have ever drunk, but can enjoy. And at that price, perfect!
Super, hlavne tá predposledná foto ako púšťaš viečko do plnej konvičky :) Inak pil som už pu-erh lisovaný priamo v bambuse a tie staršie ročníky majú naozaj grády.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťTroska som sa hral, mal som už fotodeficit :)))
OdstrániťNo Mišo mám pocit, že ty sa stále zlepšuješ :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťThenk jú! :D