Aký teplomer je lepší? Dosť často padá táto otázka. Dnes som sa rozhodol urobiť malý testík. Porovnám dva. Analog vs Ortuť. Použil som 3 druhy zlievačikov a 250 ml vody.
What thermometer is better? We can quite often ask this question. Today I have decided to do a little test. I am comparing two thermometers. Bimetal vs alcoholic. I used 3 types of pouring pots and 250 ml of water.
What thermometer is better? We can quite often ask this question. Today I have decided to do a little test. I am comparing two thermometers. Bimetal vs alcoholic. I used 3 types of pouring pots and 250 ml of water.
Zistil som že je pri bimetalovom teplomeri je dosť dôležité aký má zlievačik tvar ktorý používame.
I have found out that when you are using bimetal thermometer it is quite important which pouring pot you are using.
I have found out that when you are using bimetal thermometer it is quite important which pouring pot you are using.
Aby tento teplomer meral presne, musí byť ponorený v zlievačiku viac ako 5,2 cm.
For the exact measurement we need to have it underwater in the pot more than 5.2 cm.
For the exact measurement we need to have it underwater in the pot more than 5.2 cm.
Pri alkoholovom stačí tak 1,5 cm na to aby meral presne.
For alcoholic it is just 1,5 cm for correct measurement.
For alcoholic it is just 1,5 cm for correct measurement.
Pokus na zlievačiku č.1
Experiment no. 1
Experiment no. 1
Tento typ zlievačiku vyhovuje bimetalovemu teplomeru najviac. Voda je 1,2cm nad vrchným čidlom. Teplota je presne rovnaká na oboch teplomeroch. Rozdiel 0°C
This type of pot is the best one for bimetal thermometer. Water is 1.2 cm above the upper sensor. The temperature is exactly the same on both thermometers. The difference is 0°C.
This type of pot is the best one for bimetal thermometer. Water is 1.2 cm above the upper sensor. The temperature is exactly the same on both thermometers. The difference is 0°C.
Pokus na zlievačiku č.2
Experiment no. 2
Experiment no. 2
Tento typ zlievačiku vyhovuje už menej. Voda je 7mm nad vrchným čidlom. Teplota je rozdielna. 75°C alkohol a 72,5 °C bimetal. Rozdiel 2,5 °C
This type meets for the pot less. Water is 7 mm above the upper sensor. The temperature is different. 75°C alcohol and 72.5°C bimetal. The difference is 2.5°C.
This type meets for the pot less. Water is 7 mm above the upper sensor. The temperature is different. 75°C alcohol and 72.5°C bimetal. The difference is 2.5°C.
Pokus na zlievačiku č.3
Experiment no. 3
Tento typ zlievačiku vyhovuje najmenej. Voda je 3mm nad vrchným čidlom. Teplota je rozdielna. 84,5 °C alkohol a 81,5 °C bimetal Rozdiel 3°C
This type meets for the post at least. Water is 3 mm above the top sensor. The temperature is different. 84.5°C alcohol and 81.5° bimetal. The difference is 3 ° C.
This type meets for the post at least. Water is 3 mm above the top sensor. The temperature is different. 84.5°C alcohol and 81.5° bimetal. The difference is 3 ° C.
Možno sa niekomu bude zdať 4 °C čo to je ale, napríklad pri naozaj dobrých japonských čajoch je dôležitý každý stupeň. Tento bimetal stál 9,90 eur. Čo nieje najviac na svete ale zasa keď už ze neho dám bubáky tak by som bol rád keby meral presne. Nehádžem samozrejme všetky do jedného vreca, toto je najlacnejšia verzia. S cenou môže rásť aj kvalita. Taký za 100 eur môže možno rovno merať teplotu aj vám keď ste chorý.
Maybe someone will appear 4 ° C a very small difference, but for example in really good Japanese teas every degree is important. The bimetal cost 9.90 euros. Which is not the most expensive in the world but once I spent money I would be glad if it measured correctly. Of course I do not want to throw all into one bag, this is the cheapest version. With the price may rise and also quality. The one for EUR 100 we can use for the temperature when you are ill.
Maybe someone will appear 4 ° C a very small difference, but for example in really good Japanese teas every degree is important. The bimetal cost 9.90 euros. Which is not the most expensive in the world but once I spent money I would be glad if it measured correctly. Of course I do not want to throw all into one bag, this is the cheapest version. With the price may rise and also quality. The one for EUR 100 we can use for the temperature when you are ill.
Bimetal je síce pekný krajší dizajnovo, ale volil by som skôr alkoholovy.
The bimetal is nicer in design, but I would rather vote for alcohol.
The bimetal is nicer in design, but I would rather vote for alcohol.
Pekny pokus-len prosim skus s kalkulackou tie rozdiely, v oboch mas chyby :-)
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