Ako každú nedeľu aj túto sme sa my z Harmony Of Tea tradične stretli po celom týždni pri dobrom čaji. Nebudem dnes moc písať. Toto čajovanie som sa hral. Veď čajovanie je relax, zábava s priateľmi, potešenie, myslím že naše yixingové konvičky niekedy netreba brat až tak vážne a sem tam sa nimi môžme aj pohrať a dať im viac priestoru. Odmenia sa nám a ukážu tvár akú nepoznáme.
As every Sunday as well as this one, we from the Harmony Of Tea
traditionally met after the whole week at the good tea. I will not write
much today. This tea-taking I was playing. Well, tea-taking is a relax,
fun with friends, pleasure, I think that our yixing pots sometimes need
not to be taken into consideration so seriously and time to time we can
also play with them and give them more space. Then they will reward and
show the face which we don't know.
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