Keďže teplé dni neustupujú a ja už ani nevládzem doplaziť k bazénu ako som spomínal minulý článok, tak prechádzam do protiútoku. Bránim sa ľadovým čajom. Ako si pripraviť jeden fakt úžasný si teraz povieme.
As the warm days are still running and I am tired of crawling to the pool as I mentioned in my last article, so I am going to the counterattack. I am fighting back with the ice teas. How to prepare one really amazing, we are going to say now.
As the warm days are still running and I am tired of crawling to the pool as I mentioned in my last article, so I am going to the counterattack. I am fighting back with the ice teas. How to prepare one really amazing, we are going to say now.
Na prípravu netreba nič špeciálne. Tento Rooibos s citrónovou príchuťou mám z čajového domu. Chuťovo asi jeden z najlepších aké som pil a na prípravu ľadového čaju a hodí dokonale.
For preparation we do not need anything special. This Rooibos with lemon flavor I have from my tea house. Taste is probably one of the best I have ever been drinking and for preparation is perfect.
Ďalej potrebujeme čajník ako je na obrázku, nemusí byt samozrejme zasa výlučne ten istý, citrón, sitko a ľad.
Then we need tea pot as it is in the picture, of course, it does not have to be the same, lemon, sieve and ice.
Then we need tea pot as it is in the picture, of course, it does not have to be the same, lemon, sieve and ice.
Na jeden liter používam 2 veľké polievkové lyžice čaju. Alebo môžte použiť aj 4 až 6 kávových lyžičiek keď doma nemáte polievkovú. A keď nemáte doma fakt žiadnu tak tam nasypte od oka. Určite by vám pomohol údaj koľko je to gramov ale nevážil som to pretože ja mám doma lyžice ale nie váhu.
For one liter I use 2 tablespoons of tea. Or you can use also 4-6 teaspoons at home when you do not have the tablespoon. And if you do not really have one at home, then there pour guessingly. It would certainly help you the entry how many grams it is but I did not weigh it because I have spoons at home not weight
For one liter I use 2 tablespoons of tea. Or you can use also 4-6 teaspoons at home when you do not have the tablespoon. And if you do not really have one at home, then there pour guessingly. It would certainly help you the entry how many grams it is but I did not weigh it because I have spoons at home not weight
Zalejeme horúcou vodou a necháme lúhovať 10 minút. Ako ste si všimli na obrázku ja mám čajníky dva. Z jedného precedíme do druhého, najlepšie pomocou sitka, necháme vychladnúť a dáme na pár hodín do chladničky a je hotovo. Na dochutenie môžme použiť aj kávovú lyžičku hnedého cukru(keď už zasa nemáme lyžičku nasypeme od oka, pokiaľ zle vidíte dajte si to skontrolovať niekomu kto nemá problém so zrakom inak sa vám môže stat že ho budete mať pol pohára ). Ale nie bieleho veď nie sme predsa barbari!
Put boiling water and let steep for 10 minutes. As you have noticed in the
picture I have two teapots. From one you can strain to another, preferably
using a sieve let it cool and put in a fridge for a few hours and you are
done. For better taste you can use a teaspoon of brown sugar (if you do not
have a spoon again, put guessingly, if you cannot see well, let check it
to someone who does not have a problem with his eyesight or it can happen
to you that you will have half a cup of it). But not a white one
because we are not barbarians!
No a máme hotovo.
Jedna rada na záver, cukor nedávajte do čajníku (nielen preto že vás budú známi ohovárať že čaj je málo sladký alebo veľa sladký a vy ho neviete poriadne pripraviť) ale dochucujte v pohári pretože ak dáte cukor do čajníku čaj môže skysnúť. Bez cukru vydrží v chladničke aj pár dní.
Well, we are done.
One advice at the end, the
sugar do not put into the pot (not only because the friends can slander you
that the sugar is not sweet enough or too sweet and you cannot prepare it
properly) but zest in the cup because if you put sugar in the pot, the tea can turn
sour. Without any sugar you can leave it in the fridge for a few days.