streda 30. januára 2013
štvrtok 24. januára 2013
Dnes sa budem venovať nečaju. Vždy ked ma začne klátiť choroba, dostanem nádchu a začínam sa cítiť nie moc dobre a bolí ma hrdlo, siahnem po tomto malom veľkom zázraku. Šalvia je 20 až 70 cm vysoký, krátko rozkonárený, trváci, silno
aromatický poloker s plstnatými šedo zelenými listami. Obľubuje slnečné miesto, suché, dobre priepustné a vápnité pôdy s dostatkom živín.
Kvitne v júni až júli prevažne fialovými, ale aj bielymi a ružovkastými
kvetmi. Rastliny často striháme, aby si udržali hustý kríčkovitý rast.
Zbierame listy a mladú vňať tesne pred kvitnutím, za suchého počasia,
najlepšie dopoludnia. Šalvie je taktiež viacej druhov, napríklad
zaujímavé sú "Salvia Tricolor" so zeleno červenkastými listami s bielym
okrajom, alebo "Salvia Purpurea" s efektným purpurovo zeleným listom a
taktiež "Salvia Icterina" so zlatožltými listami a jemnejšou vôňou.
Today I'm going to write about not-tea. Always when I start to feel sick, have a cold and my throat hurts me, I reach that little-big miracle. Sage is 20 to 70 cm tall herb, of short branches, lasting, strong aromatic semi-shrub with hairy grey green leaves. It likes sunny place, dry, well permeable and limy soil with plenty of nutrients. It blooms in June and July and has predominantly purple, but also white and rosy flowers. Plants are often cut to get a dense fruticose growth. We are picking the leaves and young leaves just before flowering, during the dry weather, preferably in the morning. Sage is also more species, for example the most interesting are "Salvia Tricolor" with green-reddish leaves and white edge or "Salvia Purpurea" with nice purple green leaves and also "Salvia Icterina“ with golden-yellow leaves and fine scent.
Today I'm going to write about not-tea. Always when I start to feel sick, have a cold and my throat hurts me, I reach that little-big miracle. Sage is 20 to 70 cm tall herb, of short branches, lasting, strong aromatic semi-shrub with hairy grey green leaves. It likes sunny place, dry, well permeable and limy soil with plenty of nutrients. It blooms in June and July and has predominantly purple, but also white and rosy flowers. Plants are often cut to get a dense fruticose growth. We are picking the leaves and young leaves just before flowering, during the dry weather, preferably in the morning. Sage is also more species, for example the most interesting are "Salvia Tricolor" with green-reddish leaves and white edge or "Salvia Purpurea" with nice purple green leaves and also "Salvia Icterina“ with golden-yellow leaves and fine scent.
ju na jar priamym výsevom do pôdy, alebo predpestovaním priesad v
parenisku. Taktiež, a to hlavne pri hybridných kultivaroch - na jar,
alebo na jeseň delením starších trsov, alebo stonkovými odrezkami.
It can be reproduced in the spring by direct sowing it into the soil, or pre-cultivation of nurseling in the greenhouse. Also, especially in the hybrid cultivars - in the spring or fall by separation of older clusters or by stem cuttings
It can be reproduced in the spring by direct sowing it into the soil, or pre-cultivation of nurseling in the greenhouse. Also, especially in the hybrid cultivars - in the spring or fall by separation of older clusters or by stem cuttings
Tu na dolnom obrázku je hneď vysvetlenie, prečo hovorím o sadení a rozmnožovaní. Na ľavo je šalvia ktorú si môžte kúpiť a na pravo je ktorú sme si dopestovali v záhrade. Rozdiel je doslova obrovský. Čo sa týka farby, chute a účinkov nieje o čom rozprávať.
Here on the lower figure there is an explanation of why I'm talking about planting and reproduction. On the left there is a sage that you can buy and on the right there is the one we got in the garden. The difference is literally huge. As regards the colors, tastes and effects there is nothing to talk about.
Here on the lower figure there is an explanation of why I'm talking about planting and reproduction. On the left there is a sage that you can buy and on the right there is the one we got in the garden. The difference is literally huge. As regards the colors, tastes and effects there is nothing to talk about.
Šalvia je vďaka svojim dezinfekčným účinkom výborným liečivým
prostriedkom pri zápaloch hrdla a ústnej dutiny. Preto ju nájdete vo
viacerých farmaceutických prípravkoch na kloktanie či iné spôsoby
liečenia boľavého hrdla.
Sage is thanks to its healing effect an excellent healing herb at throat inflammations and the oral cavity. Therefore, you can find it in a number of pharmaceutical preparations for gargling or for other ways of healing the sore throat.
Pomôže aj pri tráviacich ťažkostiach, najmä pri nadúvaní či nechutenstve. Pitie šalviového čaju vám prečistí aj krv a zníži hladinu cukru v krvi, pričom vám tiež príjemne upokojí nervy. S úspechom sa využíva ja pri liečbe močových a obličkových kameňov. Nevýhodou je len možno horkosť a špecifická chuť tohto nečaju. Nieje to samozrejme ale nič strašné.
It can help also at digestive difficulties, in particular at flatulenza or lack of appetite. Drinking the sage tea can clean your blood and lower the blood sugar level, while it can also calm down your nerves. It is very successful in the treatment of urinary and kidney stones. The disadvantage is not only bitterness and the specific taste of this non-tea. Anyway, it is not, of course, nothing terrible.
Sage is thanks to its healing effect an excellent healing herb at throat inflammations and the oral cavity. Therefore, you can find it in a number of pharmaceutical preparations for gargling or for other ways of healing the sore throat.
Pomôže aj pri tráviacich ťažkostiach, najmä pri nadúvaní či nechutenstve. Pitie šalviového čaju vám prečistí aj krv a zníži hladinu cukru v krvi, pričom vám tiež príjemne upokojí nervy. S úspechom sa využíva ja pri liečbe močových a obličkových kameňov. Nevýhodou je len možno horkosť a špecifická chuť tohto nečaju. Nieje to samozrejme ale nič strašné.
It can help also at digestive difficulties, in particular at flatulenza or lack of appetite. Drinking the sage tea can clean your blood and lower the blood sugar level, while it can also calm down your nerves. It is very successful in the treatment of urinary and kidney stones. The disadvantage is not only bitterness and the specific taste of this non-tea. Anyway, it is not, of course, nothing terrible.
Šalvia má síce množstvo pozitívnych účinkov na naše zdravie, no ak to s
ňou preženieme, mohla by sa stať aj naším nepriateľom. Pri nadmernom
užívaní totiž spôsobuje nepríjemné podráždenie čriev a vystríhať by sa
jej mali aj dojčiace mamičky, nakoľko šalvia znižuje tvorbu materského
Although sage has many positive effects on our health, but when we overdose it, it can even become our enemy. At the excessive use it can cause an unpleasant irritation of the intestines and even the pregnant women should avoid it because sage reduces the formation of breast milk.
Ak teda chcete používať šalviu ako podporný prostriedok pri liečbe rôznych ťažkostí, je lepšie sa vopred poradiť o vhodnom dávkovaní, ako aj o dĺžke liečby, s vaším lekárom, prípadne skúseným bylinkárom a neprekračovať odporúčané dávkovanie.
Thus, if you want to use sage as a supportive treatment of various difficulties, it is better to consult in advance on the appropriate dosage, as well as on treatment duration with your doctor or an experienced herbalist and not exceed the recommended dosage.
Although sage has many positive effects on our health, but when we overdose it, it can even become our enemy. At the excessive use it can cause an unpleasant irritation of the intestines and even the pregnant women should avoid it because sage reduces the formation of breast milk.
Ak teda chcete používať šalviu ako podporný prostriedok pri liečbe rôznych ťažkostí, je lepšie sa vopred poradiť o vhodnom dávkovaní, ako aj o dĺžke liečby, s vaším lekárom, prípadne skúseným bylinkárom a neprekračovať odporúčané dávkovanie.
Thus, if you want to use sage as a supportive treatment of various difficulties, it is better to consult in advance on the appropriate dosage, as well as on treatment duration with your doctor or an experienced herbalist and not exceed the recommended dosage.
Pár dní dozadu mi prišla poštou zásielka od p. Nováka, krásna piecka. Rozhodol som sa že popri čakaní na zovretie vody na šalviu si troška pohrám na čerstvom vzduchu so psom. Keby som vedel že ešte ani po hodine a pol mi voda nezovrie, vymrznem a pes ma totálne uštve, tak by som to možno aj zvážil či zvoliť tento postup prípravy. Aj po preštudovaní manuálu mi to dáko nejde.
A few days back I got by post a beautiful oven from p. Novak. I have decided that during the waiting for the water I will play with my dog on the fresh air. If I knew that not even after an hour and a half the water does not boils, I freeze my bones and my dog made me totally exhausted, I would maybe consider whether to choose this way of preparation. Even after the learning the manual, I cannot do it.
A few days back I got by post a beautiful oven from p. Novak. I have decided that during the waiting for the water I will play with my dog on the fresh air. If I knew that not even after an hour and a half the water does not boils, I freeze my bones and my dog made me totally exhausted, I would maybe consider whether to choose this way of preparation. Even after the learning the manual, I cannot do it.
Ale učenie robí majstra.
Training makes the master.
Training makes the master.
Po nekonečne dlhom čakaní mi voda konečne zovrela. A to som tam mal asi 2dcl. Neviem si predstaviť koľko by mi to trvalo keby bol čajník plný vody. Asi by som tam sedel 2 dni. Musím veľa cvičiť.
After the infinitely long waiting, my water finally boiled. And there was about 2dcl. I can't imagine how much it would be if there was a pot full of water. I'd probably sit there for 2 days. I need a lot of practice.
After the infinitely long waiting, my water finally boiled. And there was about 2dcl. I can't imagine how much it would be if there was a pot full of water. I'd probably sit there for 2 days. I need a lot of practice.
Šalvia sa lúhuje cca 10 minút. Nechal som si ju lúhovať veda seba a kým sa urobí začal som písať blog. Na posledom obrázku som použil aj zlievačku aby bolo vidieť akú ma farbu. Tak priatelia, idem si vypiť čo som si navaril. Teraz sa určite hodí: Na zdravie!
Time for steeping of sage is around 10 minutes. I let it steep next to me and meanwhile I started to write a blog. In the image you can see that I have also used the pouring pot in order to see what color it has. So friends, I'm going to drink what I cooked. Now certainly it is useful to say: cheers!
Time for steeping of sage is around 10 minutes. I let it steep next to me and meanwhile I started to write a blog. In the image you can see that I have also used the pouring pot in order to see what color it has. So friends, I'm going to drink what I cooked. Now certainly it is useful to say: cheers!
utorok 15. januára 2013
Gyokuro Yamakai 2nd prize winner
Pil som už viacero Japoncov, prešiel som si, ale teda my sme prešli od tých nechcem povedať najhorších až po tie najlepšie. Dnes sa mi dostalo do rúk Gyokuro Yamakai 2nd prize winner. Čakal som že to bude TOPka ale.. Je to TOP TOPov. Dnes mám pred sebou veľmi ťažkú úlohu. Ako opísať neopísateľné? Ako povedať čo sa povedať nedá?
I have drunk a number of Japanese, I went through them, or we went through, I do not want to say it, but from the worst to the best. Today I was given the Gyokuro Yamakai the 2nd prize winner. I was expecting that it will be the top drink but... it is the top of tops! Today I have a very tough task. How to describe the indescribable? How to say what you cannot say?
I have drunk a number of Japanese, I went through them, or we went through, I do not want to say it, but from the worst to the best. Today I was given the Gyokuro Yamakai the 2nd prize winner. I was expecting that it will be the top drink but... it is the top of tops! Today I have a very tough task. How to describe the indescribable? How to say what you cannot say?
Urobil som si čajový kútik kde sa Vám pokúsim predstaviť toto Gyokuro.
I did a tea corner where I'll try to present this Gyokuro.
I did a tea corner where I'll try to present this Gyokuro.
Tento čaj budem opisovať dosť netradične. Inak sa to asi ani nedá, pretože ako som sa vyslovil už na začiatku, veľmi ťažko sa mi bude opisovať.
This tea I will
describe in a very non-traditional way. Otherwise it's probably not even possible,
because as I said at the beginning, I will find hardly some words to describe
Krásne zelené ihličky pri kontakte s teplou kyusu neskutočne zavoňali. Sladko slaná, jemne kyslá, kukuricovo, jemne hráškovo, maslovo, svieža vôna ma proste dostala. Pri výdychu mi pripomína vôňu letného večera.
Beautiful green needles in the contact with hot kyusu smelt incredible. Sweet, the salty, light sour, corny, gently pea, buttery, fresh smell - simply got me. When exhaling, I felt the scent of summer evening.
Beautiful green needles in the contact with hot kyusu smelt incredible. Sweet, the salty, light sour, corny, gently pea, buttery, fresh smell - simply got me. When exhaling, I felt the scent of summer evening.
Najradšej mám prípravu spôsobom 5g 5 minútove lúhovanie. V tedy ta chuť doslova zabíja. A to už pri nižších triedach. Čo bude potom toto? Už pri vôni mi bolo jasné že to bude neskutočná chuť.
I prefer to have 5 g 5 minutes steeping. Then the taste literally kills you. And it's already at lower grades. Then what's going to be this?
I prefer to have 5 g 5 minutes steeping. Then the taste literally kills you. And it's already at lower grades. Then what's going to be this?
A aj tak bolo. Tu ale nastal ten problém. Ako opísať to neopísateľné? Jemne kyslá, slaná chuť sa každou sekundou menila. Z kukuricovej, prešla do mierne sladkej, odtiaľ do čerstvo pokosenej trávy, odtiaľ do maslovej, veľmi plnej chuti a odtiaľ potom už niekde do neznáma tam kde už moje chuťové bunky jednoducho nestačia.
The fragrance, it was clear to me that it would be an unreal flavor and so it was. But there was the problem. How to describe the indescribable? Delicately acidic, salty taste changed with every passing second. From corny, passed into a slightly sweet, from there to fresh cut grass, and from there to buttery, a very full flavor and from there somewhere into the unknown where my taste-buds simply do not reach.
The fragrance, it was clear to me that it would be an unreal flavor and so it was. But there was the problem. How to describe the indescribable? Delicately acidic, salty taste changed with every passing second. From corny, passed into a slightly sweet, from there to fresh cut grass, and from there to buttery, a very full flavor and from there somewhere into the unknown where my taste-buds simply do not reach.
Keby moja gitara vedela sama hrať, tak po vypití tohoto Gyuokura by zahrala totálny Rock'n'Roll!
If my guitar could play itself, after drinking this Gyuokura it would played the total Rock 'n' Roll music!
If my guitar could play itself, after drinking this Gyuokura it would played the total Rock 'n' Roll music!
Veľká škoda že sa prostredníctvom fotografii a filmu nedá sprostredkovať vôňa a chuť ďalej.
That is a big pity that through photography and film, you cannot exchange the smell and the taste.
That is a big pity that through photography and film, you cannot exchange the smell and the taste.
pondelok 14. januára 2013
utorok 8. januára 2013
Yiwu Zheng Shan Gu Shu Beeng Cha 2003
Na čajovaní vonku v zime mám rád keď troška pri tom popíjaní vymrznem a potom keď prídem domov do tepla, tak si urobím čaj aby som sa zahrial. Dnes som sa dostal k shengu už klasicky z nomádu. Jedná sa o prvý zber, jar 2003 z divo rastúcich starých čajovníkov (Gu Shu) z oblasti Yiwu Shan a zmes z najcennejších oblastí a dedín v tomto pohorí.
While taking tea outside in the winter, I like when I freeze out during sipping and then when I come home to heat, I´ll make tea to keep warm. Today I got to sheng classically from nomad. This is the first gathering, spring 2003 from the wild growing old tea trees (Gu Shu) form the area of Yiwu Shan and the blend of the most valuable areas and villages in this mountain.
While taking tea outside in the winter, I like when I freeze out during sipping and then when I come home to heat, I´ll make tea to keep warm. Today I got to sheng classically from nomad. This is the first gathering, spring 2003 from the wild growing old tea trees (Gu Shu) form the area of Yiwu Shan and the blend of the most valuable areas and villages in this mountain.
Celý, nelámaný list veľmi vysokej kvality má príjemnú, harmonickú vôňu s
tónmi sušeného ovocia a lesného medu, typickú pre čaje z Yiwu. Zlatohnedý nálev má výraznú vôňu po sušenom ovocí, mede a kvetoch.
The whole non-broken leaf of the very high quality has pleasant harmonious aroma with tones of dried fruits and the forest honey, typical for teas from Yiwu. Golden-brown tea has a distinct smell of the dried fruit, honey and flowers.
The whole non-broken leaf of the very high quality has pleasant harmonious aroma with tones of dried fruits and the forest honey, typical for teas from Yiwu. Golden-brown tea has a distinct smell of the dried fruit, honey and flowers.
je veľmi ušľachtilá, harmonická a bohatá, s tónmi tmavého sušeného
ovocia, lesného medu a melasy.
The taste is very noble, harmonious and rich, tones of dark dried fruits, forest honey and molasses.
The taste is very noble, harmonious and rich, tones of dark dried fruits, forest honey and molasses.
Chuť prechádza do neuveriteľne
harmonickej, ušľachtilej a bohatej dochuti. Tu som použil CTRL C a CTRL V z nomádu. Treba ešte povedať, že chuť je veľmi jemnučká. Po opláchnutí by som prvý nálev nechal určite aj minútku a pol. Druhý taktiež. Čaju to vôbec neublíži. Ostatné ešte dlhšie.
The taste turns into incredibly harmonious, noble and rich aftertaste. Here I used the CTRL and CTRL V from Nomad. It is necessary to say, that the taste is very mild. After rising I would certainly leave the first tea for a minute and a half. The second as well. It does not harm tea at all. Other even longer.
The taste turns into incredibly harmonious, noble and rich aftertaste. Here I used the CTRL and CTRL V from Nomad. It is necessary to say, that the taste is very mild. After rising I would certainly leave the first tea for a minute and a half. The second as well. It does not harm tea at all. Other even longer.
Čaj som si pripravoval v tejto konvičke. Dnes vlastne prešla takým mojím testom čo sa týka držania tepla. Počínala si výborne. Po celú dobu bola krásne teplá a netrebalo ju polievať horúcou vodou aby to teplo udržala.
The tea, I prepared in this pot. Actually today it passed my test of keeping the heat, doing great. The whole time it was lovely warm and there was no need to water it with hot water to keep such warm temperature.
The tea, I prepared in this pot. Actually today it passed my test of keeping the heat, doing great. The whole time it was lovely warm and there was no need to water it with hot water to keep such warm temperature.
Wu Dong Lao Cong Da Wu Ye Dan Cong 2011
Mám rád tie "výlety" po čajových stránkach a eshopoch. Vždy tam niečo objavím. Ako napríklad tento vynikajúci oolong. Pri popíjaní tohoto čaju mi ani nevadí, že z toho večného hľadania po nociach na nete mám často krát pocit že oslepnem, alebo keď nadávam že mám pri tom niekoľko hodinovom sedení na zadku otlaky. Zaujímavé je aj keď blúdim kade tade po celom internetovom svete, že sa vždy vrátim domov na a nájdem tam dáku šmakovinku. Ako toto.
I like those "trips" through the tea websites and e-shops. Always I can find there something. For example, this excellent oolong. While sipping this tea I do not care that from the eternal search for a lot of nights on the net I have often a feeling that I will get blind, or when I curse that I have corns on my butt after a long hours of sitting. It is interesting when I wander around the internet world, that I always come back home to and I find there some specialties. Like this.
I like those "trips" through the tea websites and e-shops. Always I can find there something. For example, this excellent oolong. While sipping this tea I do not care that from the eternal search for a lot of nights on the net I have often a feeling that I will get blind, or when I curse that I have corns on my butt after a long hours of sitting. It is interesting when I wander around the internet world, that I always come back home to and I find there some specialties. Like this.
Čaj som si už tradične pripravoval vonku v obľúbenej keramike od P. Nováka a od M. Randovej. Toto shiboridashi mám skutočne rád. Jednak že je krásne, to je samozrejme a jednak preto že má ideálnu veľkosť na testovanie čajov, farbu na fotenie, kde je listy krásne vidieť. Vnútorná glazúra začína krásne, neviem ako to presne povedať, praskať a vytvárajť tak krásne estetické pavučinky.
Traditionally I prepared the tea outside in the popular tea ceramics from Mr. Novak and from Mrs. Rand. This shiboridashi I really like. It is beautiful, of course, but also because it has the ideal size to test teas, the color for photo shooting, where the leaves of teas are beautiful to see. The inner glaze begins beautifully, I do not know how to say it exactly, cracking and creating so beautiful aesthetic webs.
Traditionally I prepared the tea outside in the popular tea ceramics from Mr. Novak and from Mrs. Rand. This shiboridashi I really like. It is beautiful, of course, but also because it has the ideal size to test teas, the color for photo shooting, where the leaves of teas are beautiful to see. The inner glaze begins beautifully, I do not know how to say it exactly, cracking and creating so beautiful aesthetic webs.
Poďme k čaju. Precízne spracovaný Feng Huang Dan Cong oolong excelentnej kvality má jasný zelenkavý nálev kvetovej vône a má úžasnú, veľmi bohatú, výraznú ale cez to všetko jemnú chuť.
Let's go to the tea. Feng Huang Dan Cong oolong prepared with precision of an excellent quality. It has a wonderful greenish color of the flower fragrance and clear, amazing, very rich, distinct but through it all a mild flavor.
Let's go to the tea. Feng Huang Dan Cong oolong prepared with precision of an excellent quality. It has a wonderful greenish color of the flower fragrance and clear, amazing, very rich, distinct but through it all a mild flavor.
Jemne je cítiť tóny kvetov čo ja moc neobľubujem ale tu to dodáva čaju excelentnú chuť. Čo sa mi však najviac páči, je tá chuť medu. Tá je proste úžasná! Medovinku je cítit aj v dochuti.
You can gently feel the tones of the flowers which I do not like very much but here they give an excellent tea flavor. However, what I like best is the taste of honey. It is simply amazing! I can feel the taste of mead even in the aftertaste.
You can gently feel the tones of the flowers which I do not like very much but here they give an excellent tea flavor. However, what I like best is the taste of honey. It is simply amazing! I can feel the taste of mead even in the aftertaste.
Možno trošku odradí vyššia cena, ale rozhodne to stojí za to. Záleží aj na tom v čom si tento čaj pripravujete. Včera sme si ho robili v inej konvičke, veľkokapacitnej, ktorú používame na čajovania keď sa čaj pripravuje pre viac osôb. Ja som si ho dnes pripravoval v shiboridashi. V tom mi chutí viac. Jednoznačne má u mňa 10/10.
Maybe a tiny higher price can discourage one, but definitely it is worth of it. It depends also how you prepare this tea. Yesterday, we were doing it in a different pot, of a bigger size, which we use when the tea is prepared for more people. I prepared it in shiboridashi today. I like it more there. I rate it 10/10.
pondelok 7. januára 2013
štvrtok 3. januára 2013
Yunnan Gao Shan Cui Ming
Úvodom by som chcel najprv všetkým zaželať aby ste nového roku vykročili tou správnou nohou. Po vianočných orgiách v podobe prejedania, leňošenia a prepínania programov pred telkou (mám neskutočne vypracovaný palec a deravé ovládanie z toho večného skúmania čo kde dávajú), som sa konečne dostal k čaju. Dám si zelený, potrebujem načerpať energiu a nejako sa rozbehnúť do toho pracovného roku. Ide o čaj z najčistejších Yunannských plantáži v bio kvalite. List je
stredne veľký, pravidelne stočený s obsahom tipsu a prvých dvoch
lístkov. Budem čajovať vonku na čerstvom vzduchu, určite mi to len prospeje. (O hodinu neskôr.) Prospelo mi to. Krásne svietilo slnko, človek by ani nepovedal že je Január. Topia sa posledné zbytky snehu pretože keď vyjde spoza mrakov, krásne hreje. Pri popíjaní čaju, robení fotiek a písaní počúvam soundtrack z pána prsteňov. Som mimochodom veľký fanúšik J. R. R. Tolkiena. Pri čítaní alebo pozeraní fotiek si môžte vypočuť jednu z mojich najobludnejších skladieb z dielu dve veže:
At the beginning I would like to wish you all the best in the New Year,
to enter the right foot. After the Christmas orgy in the form of
overeating, lounging and switching programs in front of TV (I have a
very strong thumb and leaky remote control of eternal seeking what is
on), I finally got to tea.
I'll have the green one, I need to replenish my energy and somehow to take run to the next working year. This is a tea made from the purest Yunann plantation of bio quality. The letter is medium size, regular rolled with the content of tips and the first two leaves. I'm going to take tea outdoors on the fresh air, it must do better for me. (About an hour later.) It was great. Sun was shining lovely, one would not even say that it is January. The last pieces of snow are melting because when it comes out from behind the clouds, it warms perfectly. While sipping tea, and taking pictures and writing I am listening to the soundtrack of Lord of the rings. By the way I am a big fan of J. R. R. Tolkien's trilogy. While reading or viewing the photos you can listen to one of my most favourite songs from the episode of the two towers: v=im5CIpMFo4Q.
I'll have the green one, I need to replenish my energy and somehow to take run to the next working year. This is a tea made from the purest Yunann plantation of bio quality. The letter is medium size, regular rolled with the content of tips and the first two leaves. I'm going to take tea outdoors on the fresh air, it must do better for me. (About an hour later.) It was great. Sun was shining lovely, one would not even say that it is January. The last pieces of snow are melting because when it comes out from behind the clouds, it warms perfectly. While sipping tea, and taking pictures and writing I am listening to the soundtrack of Lord of the rings. By the way I am a big fan of J. R. R. Tolkien's trilogy. While reading or viewing the photos you can listen to one of my most favourite songs from the episode of the two towers:
Tomuto čaju prospeje 80-85 stupňová voda minútové lúhovanie. Prvé tri môžu byť tu minútku, minútku 30. Ďalšie dve už tak 2 minúty s 90 stupňovou vodou.
This tea will benefit the 80-85 °C water and one minute steeping. The
first three can be here one minute or one and half minute. The other two
2 minutes with with 90 °C.
Vôňa tohoto čaju je krásna svieža. Povedal by som že plná života.
The smell of this tea is beautiful fresh. I would say that full of life.
Milujem čajovania vonku. Človek si to všetko rozhodne vychutná lepšie. Dnes mám tuším nejakú sentimentálnu náladu.
I love taking tea outside. You enjoy it definitely better. I think today I have some sentimental mood.
Nálev má sviežu jemnú svetlo zelenú farbu. Chuť má čerstvo krémovú, s výrazne kvetinovými až citrusovými spodnými tónmi. Dochuť je krásna citrusová.
The tea has fresh soft light green color. The taste is fresh creamy with
significantly floral and citrus lower tones. The aftertaste is
beautiful citrus.
Tomuto čaju by som dal určite 10/10. Ešte aj teraz pol hodinu po čajovaní, mám pocit že ho stále cítim.
This tea, I would definitely rate 10/10. Even now, half an hour after teaing, I think that I can still feel it.
Už som vravel že milujem čajovania vonku? Asi áno.
Have I already said that I love teaing outside? Probably yes.
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